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If you would like to contact the USAP, inquire about employment opportunities, or are experiencing any difficulties with this web site, there are several help options: An LC-130 flown by the New York Air National Guard takes off from the Shackleton Glacier in Antarctica.
Technical DifficultiesIf you are having technical difficulties with this site, please contact Web Support. SearchingBy entering a keyword or phrase into our Search Engine, you can quickly view descriptions of related pages in this site. The Search function is available at the top of every page. USAP Logo and Usage StandardsFor downloadable versions of the USAP logo and information regarding proper use, see the USAP Logo and Usage Standards page. EmploymentFor all employment inquiries, please see our Jobs and Opportunities page. FeedbackIf you have any suggestions on how the site can be improved, or would simply like to provide general feedback, please use our Web Site Feedback Form. Contact InformationIf you would like to contact the USAP regarding issues not outlined above, please see our Contact page. Networking Systems and Web SitesThe Web Support email address is unable to subscribe to networking systems and web sites; however, you can access information about the USAP on a regular basis by subscribing to our news and announcements. For more information, see the RSS Subscriptions page.