2024-2025 Science Planning Summary
United States Antarctic Program United States Antarctic Program Logo National Science Foundation Logo
As of midnight, December 20, 2024, the U.S. government is experiencing a lapse in appropriations. Until the situation is resolved, please refer to OPM.gov website regarding the status for federal employees. We expect the U.S. Antarctic Program to remain operational under our contractor for the foreseeable future. Should the situation change, we will post additional information on this website when it is legally permissible to do so.
2024-2025 USAP Field Season
Project Indexes

USAP Program Index

Technical Event

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Principal Investigator Event No. Project Title
Albert, Mary T-150-M Ice Drilling Program (IDP)
Blom, Lukas T-396-M Operation and maintenance of a CTBT class infrasound array at Windless Bight
Dickson, Jay T-434-M The Polar Geospatial Information Center: joint support
Harris, Mark T-927-M NASA / McMurdo Ground Station (MG1)
Hummon, Julia T-933-N University of Hawaii Data Acquisition System (UHDAS) support
Mattioli, Glen T-312-M EarthScope SAGE: Erebus Backbone Network Project
Melendy, Renee T-940-M Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) activities: McMurdo Shear Zone
Melendy, Renee T-941-M Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) support: Leverett Glacier
Melendy, Renee T-942-S Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) support: South Pole Station
Melendy, Renee T-946-M/S Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Engineering Support for Antarctic Facilities
Pettit, Joseph T-295-M EarthScope GAGE high-precision GPS and ground-based light detection and ranging (LiDAR) support
Pettit, Joseph T-299-M EarthScope SAGE seismic support
Williams, David T-998-P Operation and maintenance of a CTBT radionuclide monitoring station at Palmer Station
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