2024-2025 Science Planning Summary
United States Antarctic Program United States Antarctic Program Logo National Science Foundation Logo
As of midnight, December 20, 2024, the U.S. government is experiencing a lapse in appropriations. Until the situation is resolved, please refer to OPM.gov website regarding the status for federal employees. We expect the U.S. Antarctic Program to remain operational under our contractor for the foreseeable future. Should the situation change, we will post additional information on this website when it is legally permissible to do so.
2024-2025 USAP Field Season
Project Indexes

USAP Station Index

NSF McMurdo Station

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Principal Investigator Event No. Project Title
Albert, Mary T-150-M Ice Drilling Program (IDP)
Ballard, Grant B-200-M Population growth at the southern extreme: Effects of early life conditions on Adélie penguin individuals and colonies
Bertrand, Paul G-078-M Dry Valley seismic project
Blom, Lukas T-396-M Operation and maintenance of a CTBT class infrasound array at Windless Bight
Bristow, William A-369-M/S Antarctic SuperDARN research, operations, and system enhancements
Cassano, John O-400-M Observing the atmospheric boundary over the West Antarctic ice sheet
Chu, Xinzhao A-123-M Collaborative Research: Fe and Na LiDAR investigations of geospace-atmosphere temperature, composition, chemistry, and dynamics at McMurdo, Antarctica
Clem, John A-148-M/S AESOP-lite: Anti-Electron Sub-Orbital Payload – Low Energy
Conde, Mark A-343-M/S Local-scale drivers and responses of thermospheric weather above Antarctica
Dickson, Jay T-434-M The Polar Geospatial Information Center: joint support
Elosegui, Pedro D-550-M A new instrument and measurement approach to cryo-seismogeodesy: Monitoring Antarctic ice shelf stability using ice penetrators
Emslie, Steven B-034-M Using multiple stable isotopes to investigate middle to late Holocene ecological responses by Adélie penguins in the Ross Sea
Franco, Hugo A-145-M NASA Long Duration Balloon (LDB) support program
Gooseff, Michael C-505-M MCM-LTER: MCM6 - The roles of legacy and ecological connectivity in a polar desert ecosystem
Grubisic, Vanda O-257-M/S Ultra-Violet (UV) measurements at McMurdo Station for the NOAA/Global Monitoring Division (GMD) Antarctic UV network
Hailey, Charles A-132-M GAPS (General AntiParticle Spectrometer) Experiment: A Search for Dark Matter Using Low Energy Antiprotons and Antideuterons
Harris, Mark T-927-M NASA / McMurdo Ground Station (MG1)
Higgins, John I-187-M STC: Center for OLDest Ice EXploration (COLDEX): Surface Geophysics Surveys, East Antarctic Plateau
Karle, Albrecht A-334-M/S Collaborative Research: IceCube Upgrade: An IceCube extension for precision neutrino physics and astrophysics
Kenyon, Samantha X-279-M Collaborative Research: Research Infrastructure: CCRI: New: Distributed Space and Terrestrial Networking Infrastructure for Multi-Constellation Coexistence
Kim, Hyomin A-111-M/P/S The next generation of Geospace research facilities at South Pole, McMurdo, and Palmer Stations
Lazzara, Matthew O-283-M Collaborative Research: Antarctic automatic weather station program
Levy, Joseph G-083-M CAREER: Linking cold desert groundwater to thermokarst & chemical weathering in partnership with the Geoscience UAV Academy
Mattioli, Glen T-312-M EarthScope SAGE: Erebus Backbone Network Project
McDonald, Birgitte B-245-M CAREER: Foraging ecology and physiology of Emperor penguins in the Ross Sea
Melendy, Renee T-940-M Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) activities: McMurdo Shear Zone
Melendy, Renee T-941-M Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) support: Leverett Glacier
Melendy, Renee T-946-M/S Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Engineering Support for Antarctic Facilities
Morgan, Daniel G-049-M Unlocking the glacial history of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica by fingerprinting glacial tills with detrital zircon U-Pb age populations
Patterson, Molly G-070-M Collaborative Research: Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to 2 Celsius (SWAIS 2C)
Pautet, Pierre-Dominique A-119-M/S Pan-Antarctic investigations of mesospheric wave dynamics and influences using the ANGWIN Network
Pettit, Joseph T-295-M EarthScope GAGE high-precision GPS and ground-based light detection and ranging (LiDAR) support
Pettit, Joseph T-299-M EarthScope SAGE seismic support
Rotella, Jay B-009-M Collaborative Research: The drivers and role of immigration in the dynamics of the largest population of Weddell seals in Antarctica under changing conditions
Salesky, Scott O-315-M Collaborative Research: Snow transport in katabatic winds and implications for the Antarctic surface mass balance: observations, theory, and numerical modeling
Shen, Weisen G-298-M/S A comprehensive seismic investigation to the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the South Pole, East Antarctica
Sumner, Dawn B-047-M Seasonal primary productivity and nitrogen cycling in photosynthetic mats, Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys
Swanger, Kate G-064-M Collaborative Research: Holocene and late Pleistocene stream deposition in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica as a proxy for glacial meltwater and paleoclimate
Thurber, Andrew B-249-M CAREER: Ecosystem impacts of microbial succession and production at Antarctic methane seeps
Warner, Jacob B-004-M Collaborative Research: Genomic mechanisms controlling the slow development of the Antarctic urchin Sterechinus neumayeri
Wilson, Terry G-079-M Collaborative Research: Investigating Ice Sheet - Solid Earth Feedbacks in West Antarctica: Implications for ice sheet evolution and stability
Winebrenner, Dale I-186-M/S STC: Center for OLDest Ice EXploration (COLDEX): Surface Geophysics Surveys, East Antarctic Plateau
Zimmerer, Matthew G-065-M Constraining West Antarctic Ice Sheet elevation during the last interglacial
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